The Web Analytics Skills You Need to Know

Having the skillsets necessary to create social media content, is crucial if you want to become a digital marketer. On the other hand, knowing which content works and which doesn’t work, is even better.

As such, you need to be quite aware of how to operate and use Analytics. Analytics in this case, refers to judging what attracts traffic, what does not, and finding proper loopholes in techniques of marketing.

Of course, analytical skills require an excellent grasp of detail, which is not something to be gained in a short time. This requires slow mastery. As such, we’re going to be showing you the necessary parts of Web Analytics that you need to be aware of, to succeed in digital marketing!

1. Know Your Terms

As with any skills that requires analysis, understanding of terminologies with a great degree of finesse and accuracy is necessary. Examples of terminologies are presented below, just to give you an idea!

  • (Unique user) – being an individual person visiting your site
  • (Session) – a single instance when a user was on your site
  • (Bounce rate) – percentage of users that visited only one page
  • (Session duration) –  how long a user stayed on your website
  • (Pages per session) – number of pages a user hit during one session
  • (Conversion) – what you want a user to do on the site (e.g., complete a form)

2. Identify Key Performance Indicators

You also have to understand which metrics affect the bottom-line of the advertisement campaigns. Simply learning to identify activities through Web Analytics is not enough. After all, the purpose of the entire marketing process, and the care for Analytics is the first place, is to boost business performance.

This of course will differ from company to company. What works in attracting customers to Product X, may not work for Product Y. As such, awareness of the unique needs of your customer, is absolutely crucial for this process.

3. Set and Adjust Benchmarks

The job of analytics is to primarily identify loopholes in systems and performances. Because of that, you have to learn to track performance overtime, and then adjust your benchmarks for constant improvement. Again, this all relates to the bottom-line in the end.

4. Map User Paths

In the end, it’s all about sales. Learning from analytics results can help you construct or reconstruct your sales funnels better, to help you attract more sales. By using the analytics results and placing yourself in the buyer’s shoes, you are better able to create better content to make money.

Primarily, mapping paths effectively relies on making the process easy for the buyer, and understanding the buyer’s needs. Complicated and prolonged user paths as a general, are horrible for use, and end up repelling clients.

Learning to map user paths effectively also reduces the need to optimize for the attraction of large traffic. This means that you can optimize your funnels to attract “your target customers” more accurately, instead of simply aiming for masses, without accurately identifying who your potential clients are.

5. Testing optimization

Testing new ideas is extremely crucial in the age we live in. This applies especially online, where one year today equals a decade for the most part. As such, you need to learn ow to optimize effectively, and constantly test new techniques to improve sales!

  • Dptrax
  • Updated April 18, 2019
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